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Maryland Masters Swim Club was founded in 1974 by Nancy Brown.  She had seen an article in a newspaper about Masters Swimming and decided it sounded like a great program for adults.  She started a small group at the Catonsville YMCA consisting of approximately 7 people.  This original group included Marge Burley and Sue and Tom Levickas who are still swimming with the team.  The group outgrew its original location and in 1983 moved to a larger facility at UMBC where they continue to meet.


In the meantime, there was a small group of swimmers at the Severna Park YMCA led by Faith Lyman and Carol Chidester.  Carol and Nancy met at the first YMCA Nationals in Montclair, New Jersey in 1977 and realized they were both strong advocates of Masters Swimming.  They developed a friendship and relationship promoting Masters Swimming until Carol's death in 1994.


When Nancy moved to Pasadena in 1984, she was approached by Faith Lyman about coaching at the Severna Park YMCA.  In 1985, Nancy began coaching there and the group became a satellite team of Maryland Masters.  In 1994, the Severna Park YMCA went bankrupt and the property was taken over by Woods Presbyterian Church. The facility name was changed to Severna Park Community Center and in 2015 the club name was changed to "SPCC Maryland Masters.”


There are many satellite Maryland Masters swimmers all over the State, some of whom compete with us in meets.  Even when swimmers move out of State, some remain Maryland Masters swimmers due to our team spirit and camaraderie.  


Maryland Masters Swim Club, spearheaded by the groups at UMBC and SPCC, is one of the best Masters programs in the country!  Currently, there are well over 200 registered Maryland Masters swimmers - the largest club in the Maryland Association!

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